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Port Waste Treatment

Technology for the
global green economy

NW2E store and treats hazardous waste water and oily sludge received from various industries. Our treatment plant in Mekjarvik, outside Stavanger, is equipped with 4.500 m3 waste water storage tanks and 800 m3 of oily sludge. Our state of the art treatment processes consist of chemical/physical, biological and activated charcoal processes.


NW2E are licensed to treat and discharge 55000 ton pr. year. The facility is licensed and certified to store and treat flammable fluids such as waste water contaminated with crude oil or condensate. Through our partners we can arrange for tank and tanker washings and transport by ship or road.

Key features

  • Approved for receiving oily flushing water
  • Biological treatment
  • Easy access to the quay, and direct road to the facility in Mekjarvik
  • 250m deep water quay (15m)
  • Pipelines to tank facility with 8¨ connection on quay
  • Services for waste disposal, hazardous waste handling and gas testing
  • Certified “A class” facilities for the treatment of 7025 Crude Oil/Condensates and 7165 Process water/Wash water


Advanced technologies
for recycling and using waste to generate bio-gas energy.

  • Image for Waste Water treatment

    1Waste Water treatment

    The water is treated in a biological treatment plant, where bacteria ingest the hydrocarbons dissolved in the water. Air, heat and nutrients are feed into the bioreactor to establish the favorable environment for bacteria. Dead bacteria turn into sludge, which can be discarded.

  • Image for Oily Water Treatment

    2Oily Water Treatment

    This waste has Waste Substance Number 7030 and can be divided into different types. This waste is not subject to ADR regulations.

  • Image for Hazardous waste

    3Hazardous waste

    The hazardous waste regulation defines hazardous waste as ”the waste that cannot be handled together with municipal waste, because it can cause serious pollution or risk of injury to people and animals”.

2 Oily Water Treatment

This waste has Waste Substance Number 7030 and can be divided into different types:


– Oil emulsions, water slop (EWL 16 50 71)
– Oil emulsions (stable) (EWL 13 08 02)
– Oily waste (EWL 16 07 08)
– Tanker Bottom Water (EWL 13 04 00)
– Water slo (EWL 13 04 00)

This waste is not subject to ADR regulations.

3 Treatment of other hazardous waste

The hazardous waste regulation defines hazardous waste as ”the waste that cannot be handled together with municipal waste, because it can cause serious pollution or risk of injury to people and animals”.


Examples of hazardous waste

Chemicals, Paints, Varnishes and glues, Waste oil, Oilseed rags, filters etc., Aerosols, Pesticides, Packages with residual waste, Sealed double glazing with PCBs (1965 to 1975), Mercury Thermometers, Solvents as linseed oil, acetone, white-spirit, etc., WEEE, waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Innovative thinking
meets breakthrough


Modular Membrane Unit
Designed and built for Offshore and Onshore Applications

Image showing MMU

Technical details

  • Average OiW 1.7 mg/L (GC-FID)


Wastewater Treatment Unit
The most compact and efficient solution for the treatment of wastewater both offshore and onshore.

Image showing WTU

Technical details

  • Container 5’ DNV 2.7.1
  • Weight 3,500 kg
  • Dimensions (mm) L: 1,590; W: 1,856; H: 2,673
  • Treatment capacity Up to 20 m3
  • Treatment capacity NORSOK Z-015
  • Inlet 1.5” Cam-Lock Male
  • Return 1.5” Cam-Lock Male
  • Sludge 1.5” Cam-Lock Male
  • Discharge 1.5” Cam-Lock Male
  • Water supply 1” Chicago Claw
  • Air supply 1” Chicago Claw
  • Oil in Water Monitor Internal
  • Water Service Water (washing)
  • Electromotive force 400-480 V 50-60 Hz
  • Power connection 63 A Junc. Box/Plug
  • Design pressure 10 barg
  • Design temperature 0-50 °C
  • Design pH 2-12
  • Pressurized air Min 5 barg


Dissolved Air Flotation unit
Conterized scalable Dissolved Air Flotation unit for onshore applications.

Image showing DAF

Technical details

  • Container 5’ DNV 2.7.1
  • Weight 3,500 kg


Wastewater treatment Chemicals
Onshore & offshore proven

MUD Split

Separation and recovery for re-use of drilling fluids
Chemicals for the treatment of Oily Sludge and OBF