N-Sep additives are used both in the industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants. When used in the coagulation and flocculation stages it increases the degree of separation of the suspended solids.


The adoption of N-Sep improves the solids removal efficiency in the wastewater treatment plants, both industrial and municipal. N-Sep additives have short reaction time, handle large variations in the wastewater chemical characteristics and can easily be used in the existing treatment plants without the need for modifications. The efficiency of the separation of the suspended solids is above 90%.


  • N-Sep additives gives you considerable cost savings and increased efficiency
  • Works efficiently in the pH range 3-11, so that acids and bases are neutralized
  • Does not separate dissolved PO4
  • Reduced sludge production results in less logistic costs
  • Reduced plant size without the need for coagulation and flocculation pools
  • Produced sludge has less organic fraction, is therefore excellent for biogas production
  • N-Sep does not influence the pH of the water

Cost savings

Give new life to old equipment

Mixing N-Sep to wastewater improves the separation of the suspended solids, so that the plant meets emission requirements without the need for major modifi cations, thus extending the life of the facilities.


Lower investments in new facilities

Conventional treatment using metal salts in combination with polymers requires in mixing and time for retention. Quick stirring and retention time of 1-3 min. are common procedures in the coagulation
with metal salts. Flocculation occurs during slow stirring with typical retention time of 10-30 minutes.

With N-Sep both coagulation and fl occulation happen in the duct, contact time of 5 to 10 seconds is enough to separate the suspended solids.


Separation of flocculants

N-Sep generates large and stable fl ocs that can withstand high shear forces, and can therefore be utilized together with conventional filter types adopted in the municipal treatment plants. Experience shows increased water fl ow through the filters in addition to increased separation of the suspended solids. Flotation characteristics allow significantly higher surface load, both by the induced air and dissolved air flotation.

JAR Testing

The jar test is intended to simulate the coagulation/flocculation process in a water treatment plant. The results that it produces are used to help optimize the performance of the plant.


Norwegian Technology can run the jar testing of customer wastewater and provide all the data and information about the most advisable treatment solution for a project.


We offer customized solutions for the treatment of wastewater. Research and development are carried out in close cooperation with the Customer.

Full scale test at IVAR

N-Sep was first fully tested by IVAR, a publically owned company specializing in treatment of municipal waste water and general waste, located at Grødaland south of Stavanger, in a treatment plant where a dissolved air flotation system is used for the separation. N-Sep was also tested through several bell filter systems. When dosed upstream of the filter systems, the N-Sep can deal with large variations in the feed characteristics, like suspended solids, pH and hydraulic load.


The IVAR treatment plant collects mainly wastewater from industrial activities, which present large variations in the content of suspended solids and pH ranging between 6 and 9. Several different new technologies have been tested and, since 2015, the plant operates continuously with N-Sep without any deviation from the allowed emissions.


The use of N-Sep as an alternative to precipitation with ferric chloride and polymers resulted in significant cost savings and increased efficiency.


View the case study

IVAR – Grødaland treatment plant – Utilizing air flotation in combination with N-Sep 438. Photo: IVAR